
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Anatomy and Confidence

I realized something about my confidence: it was low. Now, it did not have anything to do with me being shy of talking or anything. In fact, I have a simple solution to solve all confidence problem. Ready.

Push your lower back forward and pump your chest out while pulling back your shoulder blades. As a result, your chin will tilt upwards, forcing your eyes to stop looking at your feet, but instead stare straight forward. You won't believe how much more confident you will get from having your eyes looking forward all the time. You will learn to look into people's eyes. You will learn to smile at familiar faces. But most importantly, feel your confidence grow.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Good Thing I Had a Little Brother

During one of volunteering journeys with Kindergarten students, something spectacular happened. There was a boy. I took him to the washroom. He goes inside the stalls to do his business. Then he opens the door and looks at me with tears in his eyes. I did not know what was wrong. Maybe he wet his pants? Maybe the toilet is scaring him? I analyzed the stall, and soon came to realize that he took a number two, but didn't know how to use the toilet paper to wipe himself afterwards. 

So, I guess I had to help wipe him. Fortunately, I had helped my youngest brother do the same thing. Thank goodness for my brother. Who knows what I would have done if I had not experience this toilet horror story before.

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Darkness of a Superhero Part 2

Continuing on from last week's discussion of superheroes.

Let us consider another scenario. You are part of an organization where everyone works together. You have an awesome leader, who is an awesome superhero. She makes everything run smoothly. Now, imagine if she retires or decides to leave the organization. Who will be the next leader?

It could be you. It could be a senior manager. It could be another superhero of yours. Unless there was some sort of selection process occurring, how else do you think the next leader will be decided? I can't say what would happen. All I will say is that a new leader will be picked, but he or she may not be picked in the most peaceful and fair way. Understand that people are kind to others, but when some sort of trigger is pulled, those kind people turn into things we may not recognize.