
Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Darkness of a Superhero Part 1

No, this is not a post about Marvel or DC superheroes, so if that's what you were looking for, this is not the place.

The superheroes I want to discuss are those that inspire and watch over us, whether it be our managers or a mentor. Most of them are great people. However, they will always be a few rotten beasts hiding somewhere. They are the ones I want to discuss.

To make my writing easier to understand, whenever I say the word superhero, I am referring to role models, mentors, and other people that have influenced your lives.

Imagine yourself an intern at a company. You will be working for a high ranking official in that company. He is to watch over you, supervise you, and give you tips as to how to best solve problems. Sounds great? In most cases, yes, it is great. Consider this: he is not just supervising you. There's a catch to all of this. What he's doing is training you in a way so that you can one day replace him.

Does he want that? Of course not. So watch for him. He'll do everything possible to get rid of you. Now, on the bright side, if he gets promoted at the same time you do, then there's no need for him to harm you. This may not be the case when he's about to get fired and he knows it.

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